What I want to say doesn't always come out right!

A blog about life, love and the journey through it all.

Friday, April 28, 2006

All in all a good few days...

Yesterday was Mom's birthday. Robert came by and we barbequed chicken and arrencheras. It was a good meal. And it was wonderful spending time with him. He spent more time with the boys last night than Dickhead has in the last 6 months. Speaking of Dickhead, he isn't answering his phone. Big shock. God forbid he spends time with his kids. So anyway, I am to go see Robert tonight. I have yet to hear from him even though he got off at quarter after five. I hate when he doesnt' answer his phone. If he tells me he was with Jonas I am gonna scream! It seems he is with someone every other Friday. Hmmm...not jumping to conclusions, not jumping to conclusions, not jumping to conclusions...Who the fuck am I kidding? Yes I am.
Okay, gotta go. Brett just locked himself in the bathroom because no one will play soldiers with him. I told him to stop cheating and people will want to play.


  • At 10:17 AM , Blogger TRUTHZ said...

    maybe make yourself less available.. start a new hobby, find other friends to hang out with on fridays so he will know that you have other options.


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