What I want to say doesn't always come out right!

A blog about life, love and the journey through it all.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I am so freakin' frustrated!

Tonight Robert and I were to go to a party at one of his friend's cousin's house. When we get into Palatine and call the guy up to get exact directions he says that they're leaving, party's over. Fine, whatever. So Robert and I go to dinner and have some much needed alone time. It was great! So we go pick up the baby from his sister and when we get back to his place and I put her to bed. So then I tell him I need something from him and I get the lame ass excuse that he's tired. I'm like "You're kidding right?" He says he's not. It's been like almost a week. Gees, he used to be all over me. Then he began to date someone else and it backed off. Alot. Then we get together just us and it's gone. I always tell him when I need it but he doesn't do a damn thing about it. It's like my needs don't matter. He tells me that we'll get busy tomorrow night. I have a feeling that he is going to go out with his cousin tomorrow and I'm not invited.
Anyway, I had this weird dream on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. It was very detailed and that's probably why I remember it still. I dreamt that he was seeing an ex-girlfriend from HS and me at the same time. In real life he keeps running into her family members. So anyway, he says to me in the dream that he has to keep his options open. In the dream even my mom knows. And also my dream very specificallly said that this has been going on since October 18. That is the part that won't leave my head. I don't know how to ask him what that date means to him. Part of me wonders if God was telling me something. Please don't laugh at that last statement. I mean, it's a date that has no significance to me whatsoever. So why would it pop up in my dream? Someone is trying to tell me something. I want to ask him face to face. Body language is everything to me. I don't know. I think it's pretty messed up. But the feeling that I need to know the truth about that day won't go away. I'm tired of ignoring my gut. When I see him next I will ask him. Maybe for once I will get the truth out of him.


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