What I want to say doesn't always come out right!

A blog about life, love and the journey through it all.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'm sick as a dog!

I am miserable. And what is wrong with me isn't fit to print. Two days of wanting to die. Two days of my insides becoming my outsides. Two days that sweet glorious death hasn't bothered to take me. So needless to say I won't be going to Robert's tonight. Even though it is our 2 year anniversary. I feel like a Mack truck ran over me. And my poor little princess isn't faring much better. I was supposed to go over to Robert's house to celebrate. I was looking forward to it. Now I'm bummed but I can barely move. I was hoping he would come here but I haven't even heard from him yet. He hasn't answered his phone all day. I thought he would at least call and ask how I was feeling. And he knows it's our anniversary because I told him Sunday. You know men, they never remember anything. So now I won't get to see him and he might call, but I have learned to not hold my breath when it comes to Robert.


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